Slate Falls First Nation
Slate Falls First Nation is located approximately 180 km from Sioux Lookout.
The existing community is on the south shore of North Bamaji Lake. It is accessible year round by road and chartered aircrafts.
Slate Falls First Nation was recognized on April 15th, 1985 as Slate Falls Band #259 under the Indian Act. Our People, Our Elders have been living in the area of Slate Falls for at least two centuries.
Members of the Osnaburgh House Indian Band (now Mishkeegogamang) established main camps in the area for managing surrounding trap lines and hunting grounds. Eventually, a community developed.
The leadership consists of 1 Chief & 2 Councillors:
Chief Lorraine Crane
Councillors Brenda Bunting & Kathy Loon
There are a total of 8-12 personnel employed which includes the Adminstrator, Human Resources, Finance Controller, Finance Clerks, Technician, Receptionist, Land Use Coordinator, and Custodian.
The Health Department has a Health Committee that consists of 5 board members. There is a Health Director that plans, organizes, directs and controls the delivery of Slate Falls F.N’s health services. The Director consults with the H.C to maintain and establish standards for the provisions of services. The department consists of approximately 20-23 staff.
The NS is staffed with 2 F/T Nurses and 10 other personnel. Other visiting medical professionals include :
Bimaychikamah Public School provides JK – Grade 8 instruction to an average of 50-60 students. The education services are provided by the Federal Government through the Local Education Authority. The LEA consists of 5 members. There are 4 teachers hired and approximately 10 support staff including the Ed. Director.
There is a Community Learning Centre for individuals that are taking Adult Education courses. An average of 10-15 courses are being taken by students taking Wahsa or Independent Learning courses.
School Infrastructure:
This is a community owned business that is financially supported by the SFFN Finance Department. The Corporation has a Board of Directors consisting who are responsible for major decisions on behalf of the community in regards to the economic development.
Warehouse – is a multi purpose building. It is utilized as a garage, maintenance building, carpentry are, servicing community vehicles and band owned equipment.
Fire Protection – The community has a fire truck for the safety and best interest of the community. There is also a fire chief that ensures all public buildings and households have fire extinguishers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. There is also community volunteers that are on a Fire Crew that is trained and on stand by at all times.
Recreation Facilities – There is an outdoor rink with dressing rooms, 2 baseball diamonds, 1 volleyball court and 3 fitness trails.
Bamaji Air – is a community owned company based in Sioux Lookout which employs 8-10 personnel. Bamaji Air provides year round service, floats in summer and wheels in winter. There are a total of 4 aircrafts, which is the Caravan (9 passenger), Beaver (6), Found (4) and Cessna 185 (3).
Knobby’s Fly In Camp – "Rough it in luxury" Bamaji Lake consists of six extra-large housekeeping cabins amongst a stand of birch, with a 300' sand beach. The cabins are situated so as to provide you with a great degree of privacy. These cabins are deluxe V.I.P. cabins which have showers. Bamaji Lake can handle groups of up to 40 people! The camp is located 80 miles north of Sioux Lookout, and has over 80 miles of shoreline. The lake is fed by many rivers & streams. There are numerous excellent fishing spots on the lake
Everyone takes part in special events that are held in community. Community Pot-Lucks are a big thing in SFFN. An annual Traditional Hunting Week is recognized in the fall which is followed by a community gathering at the end.
Boating, canoeing, camping trips, ski-dooing, fishing, hunting, trapping and picnics are favorite past times for everyone.
Slate Falls First Nation
48 Lakeview Drive
Slate Falls , on P0V-3C0
TEL: 807-737-5700
FAX: 888-431-5617