Clinical Services

KO eHealth Telemedicine Services is one stop shopping for scheduling clinical events for our First Nation communities. The Balmertown office has a scheduling department whose sole responsibility is ensuring this happens. The schedulers speak with local Community Telemedicine Coordinators (CTCs) daily to inform and confirm appointments in communities; they register patients on the Telemedicine Service Manager (TSM) software located on the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) and link with OTN schedulers to confirm requested appointments. The clinical referrals are received on a private fax line where they are promptly attended to.

There are over 70 therapeutic areas of care that can be performed through telemedicine. You do not have to know the name of the consultant in order to link your patient. Simply, complete the Clinical Referral Form and fax to the number listed (a dedicated private clinical fax) where the schedulers will take it from there. 

For any questions, please contact our Clinical Services, Samantha Daigle @ or call 1-807-735-1381 ext 1310. 

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